English is mostly translated into Italian French, Romanian, Portuguese and Spanish. It is also translated into Japanese, Chinese and into the African languages. When translating into the Romance languages, the number of words normally increases by over 20%. It is significant to note that written translation is quite different from all other types of translations. Written translation should convey the music and the meaning of the source language. It must be very accurate and must carefully consider the stylistic features of the work. When translating, it is important to note that you must ensure that you translate meaning and not words. As the translator, you must not leave your practical understanding and wits behind. Your wits and practical understanding are critical when you are translating a text that is particularly difficulty. You can also ask a native speaker or a specialist to proofread your work to ensure that is as natural as possible.
To ensure that you do a perfect job, it is important to accept projects that are only within your natural abilities. A rule of the thumb in translation is that you should not accept a project that is beyond your abilities. Do not rush into translation especially if you are beginning your translation career. Remember that expertise in translation comes with time. Take time when translating as this will show in the good translation that you are going to produce. Remember to pay attention to the language nuances especially if you are making a professional translation. This is to ensure that you do not lose the meaning of the text by overlooking nuances in the original text. Pay particular attention to the way documents are arranged in the language that you are translating into. Thus, layout is a critical part of the translation process. A good example is that westerners normally view empty space negatively, while to the Japanese it is seen as a possibility. You should emulate the original author as much as possible. It is important to reduce the quantity of copy before the actual translation this is going to enable you to save time.